TCEDC Newsletter - March - End of the 1st Quarter 2023

We hope this newsletter finds you well as we end the first quarter of 2023. Despite some challenges, we are pleased to report that Tuscarawas County continues to show resilience and growth in various sectors. We want to take this opportunity to update you on the latest developments and initiatives we have been working on to support the economic progress of our county.

Community Surveys

We have recently started to collect data, information, and feedback through surveys to better identify and define issues in our region. We have two ongoing surveys and plan to add more in the future. If you are looking for a small but impactful way to help, take a few moments from time to time to check out the “community surveys” on our website navigation. See what is available, take the surveys, and tell your friends about them. This information will go a long way in helping us strategize solutions around the issues we are facing. Right now, you can take our broadband internet survey and our new housing survey.

JobsOhio/TEAM NEO Site Visits

We were honored to welcome Team NEO alongside site consultants for a few visits this month. They met with local leaders and utility partners during these visits and toured some of our industrial parks. We are working to improve our partnerships with Team NEO, utility companies, and local leaders by developing site teams. We are working hard to further promote Tuscarawas County as an excellent business investment and expansion location.

Workforce Talent Pipeline Programs

We recognize that a skilled workforce is critical to the success of our local businesses. We have worked closely with our partners to implement workforce development programs by embracing technology and bringing manufacturers together around a common cause. Currently, we are working with local companies to establish an Industry Sector Partnership through the Ohio Manufacturers Association and the Ohio Department of Development. We have also worked alongside the East Central Ohio Educational Service Center to bring the YouScience software to local school districts. An Industry Sector Partnership can better leverage the information educators collect to provide improved workforce-development programs to students in Tuscarawas County.

Business Retention and Expansion Program

We have continued to provide support and resources to local businesses through our Business Retention and Expansion Program. This program helps us better understand our existing companies' needs and connect them with resources to help them grow and thrive. Recent BR&E visits with companies such as Inca Pallet, Rich Industries, and Carolina Stair show an emerging interest in training current employees versus the constant focus on trying to hire new employees we saw in 2022.  We have terrific training programs at Buckeye Career Center and Kent State Tusc, and training grants are available from Ohio’s TechCred program and the Incumbent Worker Training program from OhioMeansJobs.

Community Engagement

As always, community engagement is a top priority for us. We have worked closely with local leaders and community groups to ensure that our economic development efforts align with our residents' needs and values. We have also been promoting local events and attractions to help showcase the unique character and charm of Tuscarawas County. Recently staff attended the Eastern Ohio Development Association’s meeting at Muskingum University, the Mayor’s Breakfast at Pangrazios Pizza in Dover, the Tuscazoar pancake breakfast, the Superintendents’ meeting, the County Trustee Meeting, and more. We are also actively working on engaging the local press regularly to provide financial transparency and updates on our current projects.

The Valley Podcast - Shark Tub

We recently published another episode of the quarterly podcast “The Valley.” If you’re the — take a jog, ride a bike, and listen — kind of person, you can find audio of the show on Apple and Spotify. If you’re a — sit down at home to decompress and watch TV — kind of person, you can find the video on our YouTube channel @TuscEDC. Finally, suppose you’re more interested in checking back in the same spot occasionally on your PC or laptop. In that case, you can do that on our website,, where we offer both a downloadable audio copy and an embedded video each time we distribute the show to our social platforms.

In our latest podcast, we wanted to discuss an event we have worked hard to organize and promote. In cooperation with regional community partners, staff has helped create an excellent opportunity for local businesses and startups looking for a splash of cash. “Shark Tub” is an upcoming business pitch competition for East Central Ohio. You can learn everything about this event by watching the video below featuring Cindy Voorhies with the SBDC at Ohio University. If you’re interested in registering for this event, click here.

We thank you for your continued support and partnership as we work together to build a vibrant and prosperous Tuscarawas County. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.


The Tuscarawas County Economic Development Corporation